對應賬戶(corresponding accounts)
定期清查(Periodic ckecking method)
定期盤存制(periodic inventory system)
訂本式賬簿(bound book)
調整賬戶(adjustment accounts)
調整分錄(adjusting journal entry)
單式記賬憑證(singlle accunt title voucher)
單式記賬法(single-entry bookkeeping)
從屬賬戶(Secodary accounts)
成本計算賬戶(costing accounts)
財產清查(physical inventory)
不定期清查(non-periodic checking method)
補充登記法(correction by extre recording)
表外賬戶(off-balance sheet accounts)
備抵賬戶(provision accounts)
備抵附加賬戶(provision and adjunct accounts)
序時賬簿(book of chronological entry)
一次憑證(single-record document)
銀行存款日記賬(deposit journal)
永續(xù)盤存制(perpetual inventory system)
原始憑證(source document)
暫記賬戶(suspense accounts)
增減記賬法(increase-decrease bookkeeping)
債權結算賬戶(accounts for settlement of claim)
債權債務結算賬戶(accounts for settlement of claim and debt)
債務結算賬戶(accounts for settlement of debt)
賬戶編號(Account number)
賬戶對應關系(debit-credit relationship)
賬項調整(adjustment of account)
專用記賬憑證(special-purpose voucher)
轉回分錄(reversing entry)
資金來源賬戶(accounts of sources of funds)
資產負債賬戶(balance sheet accounts)
轉賬憑證(transfer voucher)
資金運用賬戶(accounts of applications of funds)
自制原始憑證(internal source document)
總分類賬簿(general ledger)
總分類賬戶(general account)
附加賬戶(adjunct accounts)
付款憑證(payment voucher)
多欄式日記賬核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal)
結賬(closing account)
結賬分錄(closing entry)
借貸記賬法(debit-credit bookkeeping)
局部清查(partial ckeck)
卡片式賬簿(card book)
跨期攤提賬戶(inter-period allocation accounts)
累計憑證(multiple-record document)
聯(lián)合賬簿(compound book)
明細分類賬簿(subsidiary ledger)
明細分類賬戶(subsidiary account)
盤存賬存(inventory accounts)
平行登記(parallel recording)
全面清查(complete check)
日記總賬(combinod journal and ledger)
日記總賬核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using summarized journal)
三式記賬法(triple-entry bookkeeping)
實賬戶(real accounts)
試算表(trial balance)
試算平衡(trial balancing)
收付記賬法(receipts-payment bookkeeping)
收款憑證(receipt voucher)
損益表賬戶(income statement accounts)
通用記賬憑證(general purpose voucher)
通用日記賬核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using general journal)
外來原始憑證(source document from outside)
現(xiàn)金日記賬(cash journal)
虛賬戶(nominal accounts)
匯總原始憑證(cumulative source document)
匯總記賬憑證核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using summary ovchers)
工作底稿(working paper)
復式記賬憑證(mvltiple account titles voucher)
復式記賬法(Double entry bookkeeping)
復合分錄(compound entry)
劃線更正法(correction by drawing a straight ling)
匯總原始憑證(cumulative source document)
會計憑證(accounting documents)
會計科目表(chart of accounts)
會計科目(account title)
紅字更正法(correction by using red ink)
會計核算形式(bookkeeping procedures)
會計分錄(accounting entry)
會計循環(huán)(accounting cycle)
會計賬簿(Book of accounts)
活頁式賬簿(loose-leaf book)
集合分配賬戶(clearing accounts)
計價對比賬戶(matching accounts)
記賬方法(bookkeeping methods)
記賬規(guī)則(recording rules)
記賬憑證核算形式(Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers)
記賬憑證匯總表核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary)
簡單分錄(simple entry)
結算賬戶(settlement accounts)
收入的確認recognition of revenue
固定資產折舊depreciation of fixed assets
加速折舊法accelerated depreciation methods
營業(yè)外收支凈額net non-operating income and expenditure
應收賬款出借assignment of accounts receivable
資本公積capital reserves
自然資源natural resources
償債基金sinking fund
長期應付款long-term payables
長期投資long-term investments
長期借款long-term loans
長期負債long-term liability of long-term debt
上一條:高級會計專業(yè)英語翻譯 | 下一條:各領域中英翻譯 |